- 森凉:完结~比03真是个大大的happy ending
- 飛鳥和魚:好看,梁朝伟24岁,黎美娴、邓萃雯都是20岁,邵美琪21岁,最好的年华。
- 没有个性的人: choose to let the past go because it doesnt matter
- Mo☦Cuishle手作:"If you ask what the function of writing is, I would first say what Doctor Jonhson said: the aim of writing is to enable readers a little better to enjoy life or a little better to endure it. And then the arts are a chief means of communication with the dead. And I personally think without communication with the dead a fuller human life is not possible."
- --儒冠多误身--:年轻人的爱情其实讲的比较一般,而且好心疼未婚夫哈哈。老年的时候直接泪崩,即便记忆只有五分钟也要一直给她讲故事,最后一起携手离世😭