- 潇潇Ann:其实糖妮妮模仿卓别林的片段没有想象中那么多嘛……卓别林先生一生挚爱那妹子还挺漂亮的~~
- 行动党预备党员:劳动人民的身体美!一生做了这么一件事也无憾了。
- 江寒园:不如上一部,开局好刻意,但是中间还是好看,导演控制节奏的水平一直到位。只是我每次看大叔打成这样真的好心疼啊
- 不躺平面对生活:“It is unspeakable, godless, hopeless. I am no longer an artist interested and curious. I am a messenger who will bring back words from the men who are fighting to those who want the war to go on forever. Feeble, inarticulate will be my message. But it will have a bitter truth. And may it burn in their lousy souls. ”
- 龍貓:众筹熊树仁下线!!!!