- ak不ak的阿轲: (Wolof and French) Biculturalism (Africa/Europe);multi-dimensional figures ; haunted by the repressive colonial past and the onslaught of globalization in Africa;“The extraordinary satire of these corrupt classes…is explicitly marked as the failure of the independence movement to develop into a general social revolution” ;National autonomy was the only conceivable goal; “social regeneration which has not yet found its agent”; Impotence as metaphor forlack of external control by independent Senegal.
- 豪迈:对这种既糟蹋自己也糟蹋别人的角色和剧情,无法产生共鸣,甚至有些不耐烦。
- 一号线回家了:最后两集走偏了,前面都很好
- 大萌熊护法:成王败寇,吉米蜕变成索尔。
- 轻点蟹黄鱼有味:呼啸山庄是部哥特小说,但毫无疑问大家都把它当成别的了