- 大魔王非非: seems Cathy and mike are surrounded by a bunch of daft. BUT they come to their senses all of a sudden when it comes to their personal interest. How interesting that is.This is, however, the real world. No matter how stupid they are, they take advantage of you under the facade of silliness. It is not warm but chilly to the bone
- 对生活过敏:给予爱,同样是一种临终关怀。
- 八月末彩虹诗:小萝莉力大如牛,小小萝莉治愈法宝。小萝莉“我生命里拥有你,就可以出发去远航了”小小萝莉“她不爱你,但我爱你”,附赠安眠曲。这是多么可爱细腻。
- 草莓成熟没:、 毫无波澜的事件一波接一波 女王的人物塑造也没啥亮点 没啥看点…
- 羊``:其实,最后如果进去一顿突突突是我比较喜欢的结局