- 清空播放记录
- 水止纹心:曾经有三个人不快乐,而现在只有一个
- far辉:还是有笑点的...不是恐怖片~
- 大梦想家发发:女主其实没必要这么急着再就业的,生活大爆炸这么多年高到天花板的片酬足够花很久了,好好挑剧本才是最重要的…
- 肥田粉:人与人之间的倾轧比较有意思,而类型片套路的东西就很无趣。那种疯狂到可以随便地耻笑他人蠢笨的冷漠高傲,现如今式微了吧。
- 笨极:“I have been here before. When or how, I cannot tell. I know the grass beyond the door,the keen sweet smell, the sighing sound,the lights around the shore.You have been mine before. How long ago, I may not know. But just when at that swallow saw,your neck turned so some veil did fall.I knew it all of yore. Has this been thus before, and shall not thus times eddying flight still with our lives,our loves restore in death's despite and day and night yield one delight once more?”