- 清空播放记录
- 抽風者:只要HE不管拍成什么样都是五星😢(最神的是每集片头,一集致敬一个风格,玩得真开心)| 中间几集剧情水到一度放弃,为了科学组看完大结局。写得最好的是Enoch那段词“People arrive, so we celebrate and people leave us, so we grieve. We do what we can with the time in between, but the cycle is always there. No one escapes it, not even me.”“which means you’re not alone. You are part of that cycle.”“Like every other living thing.”
- 记录自己的:烂剧情对不起实拍的镜头
- 见过花开就好了:适合快进看 反派死于话多
- 傲天time:主页突然推荐的 挺温暖 剧情和橘色奇迹很像 但是甜很多
- 一苇杭:最后一集很不行,小 mm 真耐看