- 清空播放记录
- 开雨:今天读《树王》读的泪流满面。
- 我谁也不是。:我就想知道,那个学校的体育老师能养得起4个孩子和两个老人,加上一个媳妇。
- Jade。焦糖。: this juncture of missing everything about Spain and the ocean, a little drama set in San Sebastian is perfect. Plus, it is a typical cute Woody Allen drama with the love for movie. He is a genius no matter what. Mort is Woody himself and it is interesting to see the self deprecation with a splash of irony.
- 寒雨风景1994:这是记叙片吧……不过题材蛮好的
- 八尾猫大仙:杀青两年多了,送到电影局里,至今没个审查意见。田导说,对于电影,他基本是杀青了。