- 清空播放记录
- Leo 晓:总是有点小恶心的好看 竟然season2比season1更有“味道”
- 蓝田玉暖:"why were we doing this to ourselves?replacing one stupid male authority figure with one another.Jacqueline, is Christopher here any different than Julian? Is he different than any guy who tells you he'll make you richer or prettier or safer if you let him make all the decisions?
- 所有团的团长:比上一季精彩很多 也更serious
- 老玉米:原来Netflix的喜剧也可以笑到肚子痛
- 烨之淮竹:我的天,几年没看到这么好的美剧了,第一二季还显得拖沓,这季开始狂飙!世界观终于打开,风格也发挥到极致!请权力的游戏 邪恶力量的编剧自杀吧,跟这个比起来脑子里都装的是xx 吧